6517B Electrometer/High Resistance Meter

    • electrometer and very high resistance meter
    • warranty: 1 year
    Other parameters
    Price on request
    Cat. no: 6517B.w
    availability on request

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    Parameters and specifications

    The Keithley 6517B is the worldwide standard for measuring currents up to 10 aA and resistances up to 1018 Ω, the built-in power supply is 1000 V and electrical charge measurements from 1 fC to 2 µC.

    current range 10 aA - 20 mA
    voltage 10 µV - 200 V
    resistance 100 Ω - 10 PΩ
    charge 10 fC - 2 µC
    source 0 - ±1000 V

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