ATA-5420 Preamplifier

    • preamplifier
    • uses a low-noise power supply
    • maximum output voltage: 2 Vp-p
    • bandwidth (-3dB): 1 kHz~20 MHz
    • warranty: 3 years
    Other parameters
    Price on request
    Cat. no: ATA-5420.w
    availability on request

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    Parameters and specifications

    maximum output voltage 2 Vp-p
    bandwidth (-3dB) 1 kHz~20 MHz
    voltage gain 60 dB

    The ATA-5420 is the ideal preamplifier to amplify even the smallest signals. It uses a low noise power supply, the voltage gain is 60 dB.


    The input is a BNC interface, the input resistance is 50 Ω.


    Output is BNC interface, maximum output voltage is 2Vp-p.

    Application areas

    • Infrared light detection
    • detection of weak magnetic field
    • characterization of phototransistors

    Need some advice?

    Call us on +420 325 610 123 and ask for a specialist in this field.