ATG-304 Power Signal Generator

  • power signal generator
  • one channel
  • output is a sine, square, triangle or pulse wave
  • built-in or external signal input
  • warranty: 3 years
Other parameters
Price on request
Cat. no: ATG-304.w
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Parameters and specifications

maximum output voltage 90Vp-p (±45Vp)
maximum output current 8 Ap
bandwidth (-3dB) DC~30kHz

The ATG-304 is an ideal power signal generator that can output sine, square, triangle and pulse waves. Maximum output voltage 90 Vp-p (±45 V), output peak current 8 Ap, maximum output power 360 Wp. Input signal can be built-in signal source and external signal source to realize perfect signal amplification.


The input end of the external signal is BNC interface. When the built-in signal input is the power signal generator mode, just set the parameters such as waveform, frequency and voltage; when the external signal access is the amplifier mode, the input resistance is 5 kΩ, the output resistance can be switched, and the signal can be amplified by adjusting the voltage gain.


Output is a 4 mm banana; output voltage is 0-90 Vp-p (±45 Vp); maximum output current is 8 Ap.

LCD displays

LCD control panel for dynamic display of device status and parameters, the interactive interface is clear, concise and easy to understand at a glance.

Voltage gain

Amplifier mode for external input signal, voltage gain is 0-30 times (1step,) digitally controlled and variable. Gain is displayed on the LCD, it can be quickly adjusted to the desired voltage.


The monitor port is a 1/100 output port, the monitor port is a BNC connector that can be connected to the oscilloscope to monitor the output voltage in real time.

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