EMC-3C Compact Chamber

  • EMC test chamber
  • frequency range 30 MHz - 18 GHz (optionally up to 40 GHz)
  • internal dimensions 7 x 3 x 3 m
  • customised solution on request
Other parameters
Price on request
Cat. no: EMC-3C.w
availability on request

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Parameters and specifications

The test range of 3 meters is also suitable for test areas with limited space without power limitations for EMC measurements. Emission quiet zones up to 1.5 m accommodate highly repeatable results. Suitable for EMC-compliant emissions and immunity testing prior to compliance.


  • EMC compliance testing in accordance with emission and immunity standards for all electrical and electronic products

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Need some advice?

Call us on +420 325 610 123 and ask for a specialist in this field.