
    MSO6B Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

    • oscilloscopes for mixed signals
    • 20-30% discount when returning old oscilloscope*
    • 1 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 4 GHz, 6 GHz, 8 GHz and 10 GHZ bandwidths
    • warranty for MSO 6B: 1 year
    Other parameters
    Price on request
    Cat. no: MSO6B.w
    availability on request

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    Parameters and specifications

    bandwidth MSO 6 B 1 GHz - 10 GHz
    sampling rate 25 GS/s - 50 GSa
    analogue channels 4, 6 or 8
    digital channels up to 64 option
    number of samples 62.5M std. to 1G option
    interface USB, Ethernet, Video Out
    • option to trigger and decode serial and parallel buses
    • USB - for data storage, printing, USB keyboard

    *for terms and conditions, please see the PDF file "PROMO MSO4B, MSO5B, MSO6B" below

    Downloads and links

    Need some advice?

    Call us on +420 325 610 123 and ask for a specialist in this field.