Preen resources for air conditioner testing
A changing climate, with ever-increasing extreme temperatures, and a high degree of urbanisation have driven the demand for air conditioning units, particularly in recent years, even in regions where the need was virtually non-existent in previous decades. In view of these developments, therefore, how to reduce the energy consumption of HVAC (Heating - Ventilation - Air Conditioning) systems has become a key factor in the design phase, not only for domestic air conditioners. An important tool for verifying HVAC in terms of cooling and heating efficiency of air conditioning units under various ambient conditions is, among others, the psychrometric calorimeter or air enthalpy measuring device.
Air conditioning equipment generally refers to equipment that is used to create and maintain constant conditions of temperature, relative humidity, and indoor air movement and purity. Calorimetric chamber measurements and enthalpy measurements (in which case the air conditioner under test may be installed in a conventional manner in a cooled/heated room) are the two main methods of testing air conditioning equipment. Depending on its type, different standards are then used for the test setup, for example ISO 5151, ISO 13253, ISO 15042, GB/T 7725, GB 21455, ARI-310/380, JIS B 8515 and JIS C 9612.